27.07.2009 | 22:57
Da izgleda da je to normalno kod nekih modela diskova koji su ugrađivani u MBP. Tražio sam malo po forumima gdje se pojavljuje dosta ovakvih slučajeva. Ljudi su čak mjenjali diskove ali "klikanje" se i dalje čulo. Čak i kod nekih starijih IBook-ova i Powerbook-ova se pojavljivalo. Kao što je Davor rekao razlog je što disk parkira glave jer mu inercioni senzor (Sudden Motion Sensor) greškom javi. Evo citat jednog korisnika:
The noise you are all hearing is normal, the hard drive parks itself when it thinks it's in a free-fall in order to prevent damage to the platters if the heads were make contact.
The way I look at it, if I drop it, it's probably not going to work anymore anyway so why do I care if the hard drive has a free-fall sensor?
Look in your System Profiler and you'll see this line at the very bottom of the "Hardware" section. "Sudden Motion Sensor State: Enabled"
This link will give you more information if you want to disable it.
Ekipa, hvala na pomoći.