20.05.2010 | 17:05
Meni je drago da je Google to napravio - no načekati ćemo se još da vidimo rasplet situacije.
Ono što čitam - h264 je još uvijek bolji, kvalitetniju sliku daje uz manje veličine. Podržan je na hrpi hardwera, što je dodatni plus. Zapravo je jedini problem to što nije open source.
A VP8ici je trenutno jedini plus što je (možda) bez patenata, no o tom potom. Minusi su pak brojniji - Google je to ipak, a ja ne vjerujem googleu koliko je crnoga pod noktom. Dalje, još uvijek je inferiorniji x.264, nema podršku za HW (bude, no o tom potom, kako rekoh), a i citat odavde puno govori:
The spec consists largely of C code copy-pasted from the VP8 source code — up to and including TODOs, “optimizations”, and even C-specific hacks, such as workarounds for the undefined behavior of signed right shift on negative numbers. In many places it is simply outright opaque. Copy-pasted C code is not a spec. I may have complained about the H.264 spec being overly verbose, but at least it’s precise. The VP8 spec, by comparison, is imprecise, unclear, and overly short, leaving many portions of the format very vaguely explained. Some parts even explicitly refuse to fully explain a particular feature, pointing to highly-optimized, nigh-impossible-to-understand reference code for an explanation. There’s no way in hell anyone could write a decoder solely with this spec alone.
Uglavnom, još malo zamućene vode i čekanje još par godina dok se ta priča ne profilira.