12.10.2011 | 16:00
Potrebno je napraviti isti certifikat kao i za iPhone ili iPad pomoću alata iPhone Configuration Utility koji se može naći na ovim linkovima.
Nakon toga pratiti upute koje se mogu vidjeti na ovoj stranici:
Ali samo do onog dijela kad se spaja iPhone.
Sad treba pratiti ove upute:
9. Now look at the top left of the tool and choose Export
9a. for Security, just choose none (don't worry about signing it)
9b. Hit Export.
10. You will get a Save As dialogue box. Give the profile a name (like spam or something) and choose where you would like to save the profile.
11. Now goto where you save your profile and double click it. System Prefs will launch and try to install the profile.
11a. Just hit continue and continue again.
11b. You will be prompted for "settings" which are the username and password. You can either just hit install (the eapol supplicant will ask you for your credentials during the authentication phase) or you can fill them out now. BE SURE TO INPUT THE CORRECT INFORMATION!!!!. If you insert a bad username or password into this field, it will get saved as a keychain entry (with bad info) and you will never be able to connect. The Mac will just silently fail authentication until you delete the keychain entry and do a fresh auth. Save yourself some trouble and leave the fields blank and just hit install.
11c. You will be prompted for your admin password to install the profile.
12. The profile should be installed now.
13. In system prefs, click show all then click network.
14. If you click on your Ethernet interface you should now have a nifty "connect" button now. Connect via Ethernet into the school's 802.1X protect network and hit connect.
I ako sve to dobro se provede nema problema da ne radi.
Nadam se da sam pomogao.