03.12.2012 | 13:38
moguce je...
router ciji signal zelis extendat mora podrzavati WDS (wireless distribution system)..ako podrzava onda ti je to u postavkama routera..
samo mislim da je caka da kod toga ima problema s WPA enkripcijom i N standardom..
na WEP i G bi trebalo sljakat..
da će ici lako ko s AE , nece, malo ces poprckat..
malo guglanja i ovo je bilo za sad najpametnije što sam našao:
"Yes this is true, if you are using a non Apple product for your Access point you must set up WDS on your primary router. Fortunately for you, the DI 624 supports WDS but I believe it only supports WEP in WDS mode which is 60% slower than a WPA AES network. The APExpress will work without a WDS network but only if the AP is another Apple product like an Airport Express/Extreme or Time Capsule.
If you can afford it and don't like the WDS network, get a refurbished Netgear WNR834B router for $25-$35 and put DD-WRT on it to convert it to a non WDS repeater - it is single band 2.4ghx only for Dual band, get refurbished WNDR3300. If you only want 802.11g, an Asus WL-520gu is a great cheap device that supports DD-WRT
www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Repeater_Bridge "