04.01.2009 | 18:21
Tuzni pozdrav svima!!!
Od sinoc, moj macbook pro vise ne radi. Da bi shvatili moju tugu, samo zamislite kako bi bilo da upalite svog Mac-a i da ne cujete onaj predivan boot up zvuk (koji me u proslosti toliko nervirao)
Uglavnom, nekako se nadam da bi mi netko mogao pomoci, nisam valjda jedini toliko nesretan da se meni jedinom to dogodilo. Valjda postoji nekakav trik kojeg jos nisam probao.
Imam pri ruci i macbook pro service manual, troubleshooting sekcija nije bila bas od pomoci osim sto kaze - replace the logic board (maticnu plocu za laptop) - a to je iznimno skupo, 900$ kosta samo logic board, za transport i ruke servisera, trosak je pola cijene novog mac-a, a ja odbijam vjerovat da je logic board crko jer, isti problem sam rijesio resetiranjem SMC-a (power managmenta).
Uglavnom, post sam vec stavio na par stranih foruma ali bez nekog uspjeha, kako je post poveci, necu ga prevodit nego ga prenosim u cijelosti na engleskom. Ako ne postoji neko magicno rjesenje nego je potrebno ici u servis, da li mi tko moze preporucit kako i gdje je to najbezbolnije napraviti, inace sam u Splitu. Hvala svima unaprijed!!!
I have macbook pro (late 2007), 2.2 2gb ram and bootcamp is installed. I put it to sleep last night.
Today when I tried to start the macbook pro this is what happened.
1) the light on the front of the macbook pro glows faintly (constant)
2) the DVD spins (there is a Leopard dVD in the mbp)
3) i can hear fans
4) i can hear hard disk working
The macbook pro does not get past these stages, it does not start up, the screen stays black, the keyboard does not respond, however the processors do get warm when it is left in this state for a period of 5 minutes or more. I tried to plug in external monitor, but there is no any kind of output.
I have tried the following,
1) held down the power button until it beeps - it didn't beep
2) reset the pram (both using key shortcut and i disconsolate the battery from the logic circuit) - nothing happened
3) tried starting in safe mode - nothing happened
4) tried holding down the mouse button upon starting - nothing happened
5) held down cmd option and the other one before starting - nothing
6) Reset SMC (PMU) nothing happened
7) Tried to boot up with Leopard DVD (dvd is now stuck in laptop, I can't take it out, non of the ordinary ways of taking the DVD out works)
It seems like the keyboard is not responsive, the caps lock and num lock lights are not working. No power is coming out of the usb ports, when I try to start the mbp I plugged my ipod in and it didn't charge.
I've also noticed that the sleep light gets brighter/dimmer as you tilt the screen more/less. With the screen almost closed, the sleep light is very dim, however with the screen fully open, it is much brighter (tho not as bright as it should be).
This is the second time I'm having this issue, the first time, just 2 days ago I have fixed it with SMC reset.