01.11.2011 | 21:49
MacFUSE loše radi i pisanje je katastrofalno sporo. U 10.6.x je ugrađena mogućnost pisanja na NTFS, samo je treba pomoću terminala uključiti za svaki pojedini disk koji se koristi. Imali smo temu o tome, ne jednom, ali evo, bilo mi je pri ruci...
* In Terminal, type diskutil info /Volumes/volume_name, where volume_name is the name of the NTFS volume. From the output, copy the Volume UUID value to the clipboard.
* Back up /etc/fstab if you have it; it shouldn't be there in a default install.
* Type sudo nano /etc/fstab.
* In the editor, type UUID=, then paste the UUID number you copied from the clipboard. Type a Space, then type none ntfs rw. The final line should look like this: UUID=123-456-789 none ntfs rw, where 123-456-789 is the UUID you copied in the first step.
* Repeat the above steps for any other NTFS drives/partitions you have.
* Save the file and quit nano (Control-X, Y, Enter), then restart your system.