26.04.2014 | 14:32
Borostef kaže:
@kloba Program vrijedi za sve iPhone 5 uredjaje ako po serijskom broju kaže da je jedan od onih koji su zahvaćeni problemom. Isto tako, program je na snazi dvije godine od datuma kad je telefon kupljen, što znači da oni koji su ga kupili prvog dana imaju još oko pet mjeseci da obave popravak. Ono što smayoo kaže je točno, od 2.5. program starta u "other countries", a to uključuje i Hrvatsku...
"Additionally, the program is only effective for two years after the initial retail purchase of the iPhone 5 unit in question, meaning buyers who purchased the iPhone 5 when it first was released have at least five months to have their machines repaired."
Samo prenosim đšta pišu - Cult of Mac
Does your iPhone 5 suffer from a dodgy power button? If so, Apple will repair it free of charge, according to a new announcement made by the company.
“Apple has determined that the sleep/wake button mechanism on a small percentage of iPhone 5 models may stop working or work intermittently,” Apple states. “
iPhone 5 models manufactured through March 2013 may be affected by this issue.”
Što se mog serijskog tiče, odgovorilo mi je The iPhone 5 serial number you entered is not eligible for this program. No further action on your part is needed at this time.
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