16.09.2014 | 14:11
Vidim da je Apple Pay zadnja stavr na anketi o najzimljivijoj novosti.
Danas sam prek reddita naletio na žučnu raspravu o cijeloj stvari i to na
crackberry forumu.
U početku se svi smiju "ovcama" koje se pale na staru NFC tehnologiju dok nakon par stranica besmislenih komentara ne dođu ljudi koji se u nešto razumiju, čak i par koji su izgleda za Visu/MasterCard radili na projektu..
"We can't say anything more than what Apple has said already. Maybe after the launch in October. There is also something else coming that Apple still hasn't announced. I know we are producing some information for our own card members and customer service associates."
"So when the apps are updated, you can buy something on Target using their app and still Target won't see your credit card info. This is much safer than what people do now, which is type in their actual credit card number into a web form."
"I believe a thousand is a little exaggeration, but I could be wrong on that. Overall, though, there were hundreds of people at least dedicated full time to working with Apple, working 80 hours weeks and many, many weekends on all of this. It is a huge change and a lot of new infrastructure, new encryption schemes, new backchannels, all sorts of fascinating things."
U Americi će NFC POS terminali na svim maloprodajnim mjestima biti obavezni do kraja iduće godine. Kakva je stvar kod nas, ak netko zna?