13.06.2005 | 16:23
Kad radis na Macu, najgore je misliti o tome sto ce o tvojim imenima misliti Windows susjedi. Ako radis u viseplatformskom okruzju, morat ces se naviknuti na disciplinu davanja imena, jer cim nesto budes kopirao na Windows particije imat ces problema.
I am running the Samba 2.2.8 package on my OpenBSD 3.3
server. The problem is that from Mac OS X clients I cannot write files
which do contain one of the following characters for example: \",\" \"\\"
\"/\" \":\" and so on.
Some of those characters are forbidden by the definition of SMB, in that
filenames must not use characters forbidden by the MSDOS/MSWindows file
naming requirements. '\', ',', and ':' are in this category.
Others of those characters are forbidden by the implementation of Samba, in
that filenames must not use characters forbidden by the hosting operating
system. '/' is in this catagory.
PS: FWIW, MSDOS filenames \"Contain only the letters A through Z, the numbers
0 through 9, and the following special characters: underscore (_), caret
(^), dollar sign ($), tilde (~), exclamation point (!), number sign (#),
percent sign (%), ampersand (&), hyphen (-), braces ({}), parentheses ( ),
at sign (@), apostrophe ('), and the grave accent (`). No other special
characters are acceptable.\" (\"Microsoft MS-DOS Operating System Version 5\",
(c) Microsoft Corporation, 1991)
MSWindows filenames \"can now include spacees as well as characters you
couldn't use before, like the comma, semicolon, equals sign and square
brackets. However, the following characters are still not allowed in either
file or folder names:
\ / * < > : ? \" |
\" (\"Windows 95 No Experience Required\" (c) Sybex, supplied with OEM
installations of Microsoft Windows 95)
Microsoft file naming policy hasn't changed much with Win98/ME/XP.
What can I do about that ?
Nothing. It is a restriction you have to live with.
Is there a workaround or some options in
Samba to be able to use those special characters in filenames?