02.11.2008 | 16:33
Hehe.. Dražene... koji dio nisi shvatio?
Onaj gdje čovjek kaže: ne
ili onaj gdje kaže: radi
ili možda, al čisto sumLJam, tamo gdje je spomenuo DVD?
Što se tiče diska, i meni je slične errore izbacivao.
Prvo je bio node error a zatim invalid sibling link.
Za sibling sam našao nekakav repair ali nije dugo pomoglo,
nakon nekog vremena je opet generirao isti problem.
Za utjehu.. dobiješ dovoljno vremena da spasiš podatke sa diska.
Evo ti upute za slučaj da je ivalid sibling link.
The update instructs the user to reboot using the Install Disk and running a Repair operation using the Disk Utility. That was when I discovered the error. Apparently, even the Repair operation could not fix the error.
Here is the solution, adapted from macosxhints.com:
1. Reboot into Single User mode (restart, and press and hold Command-S). You will see a black screen with a command prompt.
2. Type fsck_hfs -r /dev/disk0s2 and press Enter. This will repair the error, and will take a while (~10 minutes). Wait for the operation to complete i.e. until the command prompt appears again.
3. Type fsck -fy and press Enter. This will check the filesystem again, and confirm that it is now OK. Again, wait for the operation to complete i.e. until the command prompt appears again.
4. Type reboot and press Enter. This will restart the system to normal.
Good luck!