31.03.2009 | 00:30
Vjerojatno totalno off topic, ali mislim da bi svatko tko ima afiniteta prema programiranju mogao sa zanimanjem baciti pogled na jedan mali članak. Upravo sam pročitao ispovijed čovjeka koji je napisao softver koji je srušio svijet, otprilike.
Baš zanimljivo, moj prvi softver za iPhone će sigurno biti okrenut nekim poslovnim kerefekama, a ovo mi je inspiracija: NYMag.com -
My Manhattan Project
"I never would have thought, in my most extreme paranoid fantasies, that my software, and the others like it, would have enabled Wall Street to decimate the investments of everyone in my family. Not even the most jaded observer saw that coming. I can’t deny that it allowed a privileged few to exploit the unsuspecting many. But catastrophe, depression, busted banks, forced auctions of entire tracts of houses? The fact that my software, over which I would labor for a decade, facilitated these events is numbing."