12.08.2009 | 21:39
Nabasao sam danas na jedan link koji bi uvjetno imao neke veze s temom o politici koju sam na Jabučnjaku samo pratio. Bio sam dosta zauzet nekim drugim stvarima, a nije mi se dalo bacati tek kratke komentare bez da se malo više uključim u temu.
E, pa zato mi je baš bio gušt pročitati ovaj
članak na temu uzroka pada rimskog carstva. Malo je naporno na početku dok objašnjava detalje oko kovanica koje su tada izdavali, ali tekst zatim postaje sve bolji i to the point kako se bliži prema kraju.
"... the early 5th century Christian priest Salvian of Marseille his account of why the Roman state was collapsing in the west — he was writing from France, Gaul — Salvian says that the Roman state is collapsing because it deserved collapse; because it had denied the first premise of good government which was justice to the people.
And by justice he meant a just system of taxation. Salvian tells us, and I don't think he's exaggerating, that one of the reasons why the Roman state collapsed in the 5th century was that the Roman people, the mass of the population, had but one wish after being captured by the barbarians: that they would never again fall under the rule of the Roman bureaucracy. In other words, the Roman state was the enemy, the barbarians were the liberators. ..."