14.03.2012 | 00:45
Hmm, na ovom ne piše, ali inače da:
Inače to je od IBM Selectric pisaćeg stroja, prilično fascinantna stvar. Električna je jer ima elektromotor koji uvijek radi i pokreće udarac glave na kojoj je kugla sa fontovima, no to je jedina stvar koja je električna! Sve ostalo je mehanika, tipke, tabovi, itd...
The IBM Selectric Typewriter, introduced in 1961, is one of the most important mechanical inventions of the Twentieth Century. It is, indeed, all mechanical; an electric motor is used only to turn one shaft, and its function can be taken over by a hand crank (and is, during repair procedures). It may be the last major invention that doesn't use any form of electrical control."
Tko ima vremena neka obrati pažnju na model
Selectric Composer, to je bila prava desktop typesetting mašina, elektromehanička.