14.05.2005 | 04:50
dpasaric je napisao:
Zanimljiv tekst

Jos je zanimljiviji Mictosoftov disklejmer o specifikacijama novog XBoxa.
Ne znam tko je bio dovoljno lud da povjeruje svim onim specifikacijama koje ne mozemo naci ni u grozdovima paralelnog procesiranja.
Recimo, po njima jedan XBox ima FPU perfomrnace od 1 teraflopsa. A Virginija Tech ima 10 teraflopsa s 2200 paralelnih G5!!
Medjutim, evo sto sitnim slovima kaze MS:
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The information contained in this fact sheet relates to a prerelease product that
may be substantially modified before its first commercial release. Accordingly, the information may not accurately describe or reflect the product when first commercially released. This fact sheet is provided for informational purposes only, and Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the fact sheet or the information contained in it.
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Odnosno prevedeno, otvorena je sezona pricanja pi*darija bez ikakavih posljedica. Uf, gdje ovaj \"marketing\" danasnji ide. U pricanje bajki i kvragu, valjda.