18.04.2014 | 08:04
Ovo je jedna od opcija instalacije Win koristeći virtualnu okolinu za prvi dio instalacije, zatim malo terminal hackova i potom finaliziranje instalcije na nativnoj arhitekturi (jako dobro pročitati sve prije korištenja):
S druge strane strane ovo je druga metoda koja koristi također VM okolinu (Parallels) i refit kako bi se napravio uspješan boot sa USBa. Pokriva tipično korištenje 'diskpart' alata i setiranja bootloader parametra na konkretan USB kako bi se prilikom refit boot-a USB adekvatno prepoznao. Metoda pokriva korištenje NTFS,a ne FAT32 sticka.
Ovo je URL, a u nastavku je post koji opisuje dio:
I have finally managed to get Windows 7 installed from a USB flash drive last night when I tried formatting the drive and copying over the files using cmd.exe on the Windows 7 ISO in VMware. Please note that this is the first time I have actually got this to work and I needed to use rEFIt to boot from the flash drive.
Partition your HD using Boot Camp. Quit the application when you get to the step where you're asked to insert your Windows installation disk.
In VMware, create a new vm using the Windows 7 ISO as an installation disk image.
Once the ISO is booted access cmd.exe via the repair options. If you haven't already done so plug in your flash drive and mount it on the vm.
Now to use diskpart to format the flash drive. Type the following into cmd.
You'll get a table of recognised drives. Then we need to select the flash drive..
# being the disk number of your flash drive in the printed table.
create partition primary
select partition 1
format fs=ntfs
I have not tried this with FAT32, so can't say if it will work. Once the formatting is done you need to assign a drive letter and you're done with diskpart..
Now you need to copy the contents of the ISO to the drive. I used..
The /E flag copies the directories as well as files, so just replace the drive letters. The first drive letter is the source(Windows 7 disc) and the second is the destination(USB flash).
And finally, make the drive bootable. Navigate to the flash drive you copied the files to and then the 'Boot' directory.
Then to make the device bootable.
Again, replacing the drive letters to your own. I encountered an error during this step but was still able to boot from the drive using rEFIt. I'd think you would be able to boot from a flash drive without rEFIt if you managed to get past the last step with no errors. This may also be possible using an SD card on the MBP but I've yet to try it.
Ovaj zadnji code dio ('bootsect') je jako bitan jer je upravo to dio nešto što će ti omogučiti uspješan boot sa USBa. Sličan problem sam ja imao kod bootanja WinXPa preko mreže u jednoj drugoj temi na forumu.