04.03.2005 | 16:44
imam malu frku s shake-om,nikako da proradi... da pojasnim:1) Copy the included key.dat into the same folder that contains the shake application.
2) Edit the key.dat file with your favorite text editor (ie: TextEdit), and change all
instances of HOSTID=ANY with HOSTID=Your Ethernet MAC address
(You can find your ethernet MAC address by opening the Network Control Panel,
selecting 'Built-in Ethernet' from the 'Show' popup menu. Look for Ethernet Address
at the bottom, and make sure to remove the ':' from the address).
3) Run the patcher application and select the shake application. .......
otvorim system preference>network>built-in ethernet>kliknem na ethernet i ocita mi ethernet id:00:03........
to sve ljepo editiram po upustvima u key.dat file koji je u folderu shake>applications,pokusam to dignuti s shake patcherom i izaberem shake u app. i uopce mi ga ne boja????? whats the cactch?????