01.04.2005 | 03:46
(pronounced AV-uh-tar): A word adopted by computer users to denote the digital manifestation that humans take on when entering virtual worlds. The word is Sanskirt for the earthly incarnation a god takes on Earth. Vishnu, the Hindu god responsible for maintaining the existence of the universe, has 10 important avatars, including Krishna, the philosopher king, and Varaha, the boar who rescues the planet after it is inundated by the oceans. The 10th avatar of Vishnu, Kalki, will arrive in the future to destroy the world with fire and begin a new age of purity on the planet.
From the Sanscrit for the incarnation of Godhead, an avatar is the 'body' you 'wear' in a virtual community - an animated, articulated representation of a human which represents you, the user, in any virtual environment. Some of the more sophisticated chat rooms provide the facility to 'chat' over the 'net via the visual representation of interacting human forms.
A digital representation of a user in a virtual reality site.
A graphic or pictorial representation of a user in a 3-D chat area. Usually chosen by each user, the avatar can be an animal or caricature
Sta je Avatar?
Prikazivanje sličica uz vlastiti nadimak.
Druga sličica je tzv. Avatar i ona je Vaša virtualna fotografija koja Vas čini prepoznatljivim. U zavisnosti od toga kako je administrator konfigurirao forum, moguće je koristiti Avatar iz galerije foruma, kopirati avatar s neke druge internet sranice ili pak koristiti jednu sličicu koju ste sami kreirali. Ukoliko želite, moguće je koristiti i vlastitu fotografiju koja će stajati pored Vašeg nadimka. Vodite računa o dozvoljenim veličinama sličica koje želite koristiti. Ukratko, sve zavisi od Vaše mašte.
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