16.08.2024 | 08:22
Nastavljam u originalu.
Upozoravan puk na Korenovo na zapadu ovog klina AFU u Kursku oblast. AFU tu ulažu velike napore već dva dana i pokušavaju obuhvatiti naselje. Ruske su snage već srušile dva mosta kako bi otežale napredovanje AFU. Koliko shvaćam stvari, ovo bi zauzimanje Korenova od strane AFU osiguralo lijevi bok ovog teritorija i to mi je dokaz da ova operacija nije samo upad da se napravi nered, nego da Ukrajina vrlo ozbiljno računa s ovim područjem na dulje staze. U to se uklapa i postavljanje glavnog vojnog zapovjednika za ovo područje koji je odgovoran za red i poredak.
No, da se vratim na temu: Rusi se upiru da ne izgube Korenovo. Izgleda da su pokušali poslati pojačanja i opremu, doktor Lovrić će ovo voljeti, opet u jednoj, lijepoj koloni.
Ona se, izgleda, provela kao i ona od prije neki dan.
Malo pojašnjenje: u slengu avatar se odnosi na pijance plave od alkohola...
Nastavak koji (ni)je povezan s ovim:
'Info from the Free Russia Report.
Re-using to the death
Conscripts who survived the border breach are being forced to sign contracts in order to be sent back to the front lines in Kursk Oblast
Relatives of conscripts told ASTRA:
Tatyana, the mother of a conscript from Perm, when the Ukrainian Armed Forces began their offensive in the Kursk region, said commanders helped take her son and other conscripts to a “safe place,” but now they are being forced to sign a contract and go to the front lines.
"They took my son's phone, he called yesterday from someone else's number. He says they are forcing him to go back or a disciplinary battalion for 7 years."
"Our commanders tell us this: 'Since they took the oath, they must defend the Motherland. But what kind of warriors are they at 18-19 years old?! They don't understand the seriousness of it, they don't realize that they have to kill there and they themselves can die!'" Darya (name changed), the mother of another conscript from Tobolsk said.
"My son and his comrades were miraculously taken out of the front line by their commanders, where they had been standing before the invasion. The military prosecutor's office forced them to return to their positions, but the boys flatly refused. Now they are in Kursk, in a military unit. They want to send them to the 3rd echelon of defense behind the assault groups in the Kursk region," Yuliya, the mother of another conscript describes the situation of her son.
Relatives of conscripts write about threats and demands to sign a contract in thematic chats, and two relatives previously spoke with Verstka about it. The fate of some conscripts who were in the region at the time of the penetration of the Ukrainian Armed Forces into the Kursk Region is still unknown.
“On August 6, my son wrote to me: ‘Mom, we’ve gone to zero [zero kilometer]’. He wrote to his girlfriend: ‘Alena, they’re shooting us from wherever they can, from whatever they can, but they’re still sending us away’. That’s all, he didn’t have time to say anything else. Then I contacted other guys, they said that they were at the border, they were attacked, they were surrounded. And some were in the dugout, some were in the trenches… My son was in the trench, there were also two conscripts and a commander. They were apparently pelted with grenades. They started to retreat, ran through the forest in all directions, ran in different directions. Some were saved, but where is my son now? No one knows,” says Diana, the mother of Yegor Asafov, a missing conscript from military unit 98557.
Earlier, parents of soldiers of the 80th Motorized Rifle Division, military unit 34667 , said that "Kursk battalions" are being formed from conscripts who have just entered service. Also, mothers of conscripts of the 2023-2024 draft in a petition asked Putin to remove their sons from guarding the Kursk border.'
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