18.04.2008 | 14:12
Probaj s ovim za pocetak...
1. Go into Applications and open the 'Apple Script' folder.
2. Open/Launch the 'Script Editor' App.
3. You will see a window divided it two - in the top window, copy (apple > 'c') this text as written below;
tell application "Logic Pro"
end tell
set the_lines to paragraphs of (do shell script "ps -U $USER")
set the_app to "Logic Pro"
set the_line to ""
repeat with this_line in the_lines
if this_line contains the_app then
set the_line to this_line
end if
end repeat
if the_line is "" then return
set the_pid to word 1 of the_line
do shell script "renice -20 " & the_pid password
"putyouradminpasswordhere" with administrator privileges
4. On the bottom line where it reads "putyouradminpasswordhere" type in your admin password - keep the quotation marks
and the last three words exactly as written. Just change the putyouradminpasswordhere text.
5. Go to 'File' and 'Save As' -- give it a name and choose a location to save to. In the dropdown menu labelled 'File format',
I saved mine as an application, ticked 'Stay Open'and Saved to my Apps folder.
6. Double click on the the Script/App. and wait....
7. The script will launch itself and then LP8 - the 'Stay Open' save option keeps this running while you use Logic. I keep an alias of the script (with a cool icon)
in the Dock next to my LP8 alias.