19.06.2024 | 10:12
Uff, koliko vidim to je 5 EUR/mjesečno.
Kad su na proljeće 2022 forsirali prelazak s besplatnog (G Suite legacy free edition) na plaćeni Google Workspace (Google Workspace Business Starter) bila je neka cijena. Digla se frka oko toga, pa su se predomislili i dozvolili besplatno korištenje. Za one koji su već bili prešli procedura je bila odabir druge pretplate i otvaranje ticketa. Unutar 2-3 tjedna je sve bilo riješeno i nikad nisam dobio račun.
Dio transkripta s relevantnom informacijom:
Google Workspace Support, Bryan: If you previously were on G Suite legacy free edition and are using Workspace for personal use, you may be eligible for an alternative Workspace experience at no cost. If you choose to self-identify as a non-business user, you'll continue to have access to your custom domain with Gmail and other Workspace Services; you'll retain access to additional Google services such as Google Search, Google Maps, and Youtube; and you'll retain access to your paid content such as movie purchases at Google Play and data stored on Google Workspace. In the future, Google may remove business functionality from this offering such as 24/7 support.
Google Workspace Support, Bryan: Please confirm the following statement: I confirm that I use Google Workspace for personal use. I understand, Google may remove business functionality from this offering and transition businesses to Google Workspace.