19.03.2008 | 11:59
Miš gesti nema, ali znajući kuda idu s iPhone logikom vjerujem da će prije ili kasnije nešto slično doći i na desktop - možda ne samo u browseru, nego system-wide.
No, web dizajnere će oduševiti barem ove 3 stvari:
- CSS Animation - transitions, and animations allowing you to do CSS-based animations and Transforms.
- HTML5 Media Support - New 'video' and 'audio' tags that allow you to embed video/audio content easily.
- Downloadable Fonts - instead of having to rely on common fonts available to browsers, you can link to actual font files within your CSS. For example, this html page takes advantage of web fonts and will render differently depending on which version of Safari you are using.
Sve tri su jako korisne i doprinose dojmu na webu, pogotovo ako klijent ne želi skupi Flash web.