11.02.2011 | 18:09
Za sve koji koriste Skitch Plus app, mogu produljiti subscription na 2 godine - besplatno!
A massive thank you for being an early supporter of Skitch. Many of you were beta testers as well, and we appreciate all your help in making the Skitch launch a success.
Please know that your support means that we will be able to continue to rapidly improve Skitch for many years to come.
To say thanks to you early adopter supporters, we’re offering everyone who paid for a Skitch subscription before February 8 an additional 2 years of Plus, for free!
To claim your free Skitch Plus, please visit skitch.com/love
This page will only be available until March 14th, so be quick!
Ja osobno zadovoljan tom aplikacijom jer je dosta koristim, prvo koristio običan Skitch ali nakon nekih ukinutih opcija unutar aplikacije, platio godišnji subscription od 14.95$ i sada još produljio za 2 godine tako da mi licenca vrijedi do 12-01-2014.