19.11.2013 | 22:50
moze samo mala pomoc za nas neuke u ovim stvarima
da li to sve upisujem u terminalu ili?
probao sam s terminalom pa mi je izbacio:
m90-137-190-192:~ user$ tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
-bash: tell: command not found
m90-137-190-192:~ user$ set mm2pt to 2.83464567
m90-137-190-192:~ user$ set docRef to current document
m90-137-190-192:~ user$ set myArtboards to artboards of docRef
m90-137-190-192:~ user$ repeat with myArtboard in myArtboards
-bash: repeat: command not found
m90-137-190-192:~ user$ set myRect to artboard rectangle of myArtboard
m90-137-190-192:~ user$ set item 1 of myRect to ((item 1 of myRect) + 5 * mm2pt)
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
m90-137-190-192:~ user$ set artboard rectangle of myArtboard to myRect
m90-137-190-192:~ user$ end repeat
-bash: end: command not found
m90-137-190-192:~ user$ end tell