10.06.2007 | 18:48
Treba malo citat,u rtf fileu koji si ti je u cod folderu pise:
Running the game on a widescreen monitor
Normally, when playing Call of Duty on a widescreen monitor, the game may stretch to fill the entire width of the monitor (in some versions of the MacOS, it leaves black bands). To run the game at a widescreen resolution, bring down the CoD console and enter the following commands:
\"seta r_customwidth #\" where # is the width (X) of the resolution you wish to use.
\"seta r_customheight #\" where # is the height (Y) of the resolution you wish to use.
\"seta r_mode -1\"
After doing this, you'll need to restart the video subsystem for the change to take effect. Do this with the following console command: \"vid_restart\"
P.s. prije toga si u opcijama unutar igre moras omogucit consolu a pokreces je na znak \"<\".