06.07.2014 | 13:06
smayoo kaže:
WTF, kakav ti virus može napasti iPhone kad su sve aplikacije sandboxed?
Zasad još jesu, ali od iOS-a 8 više neće biti... E sad, da li će to biti pametno riješeno pa će iOS biti siguran kao i do sada ili će otići putem Androida po pitanju malware-a to ćemo vidjeti...
Federighi kaže da će sve biti OK, ali on to i mora reći... Zar ne?
"According to Federighi, this kind of extensibility doesn't put users' data at risk, because the system builds upon the existing iOS sandboxing model for apps.
"Extensions live inside an application's own sandbox with access to its own data," Federighi said, "but other applications can reach out by way of iOS's security mechanisms, talk to that extension, and an extension can even project UI right back into the originating app."