12.03.2017 | 19:23
Robi031 kaže:
Ispričavam se jer nisam napisao da je probano sve to.
Kabal nemam trenutno da ga spojim na i tunes.
Uopce ga ne mogu ugasiti.
Zovem se s drugom moba i zvoni ali ne mogu ući
prijatlejica mi je imala identičan problem isto zvoni ali ekran ne reagira i fora je da se iphone 7 ne resetira tako nego na drugi nacin jer je home tipka razlicita od ostalih modela:
How to Hard Reset iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus
Step 1: Press and hold the Lock/Wake button on the right side of your iPhone.
Step 2: At the same time, press and hold down the Volume Down button on the left side while keeping the Lock/Wake button pressed.
Step 3: Keep holding both the buttons until the screen turns black and then switches back on to display the Apple Logo.
Step 4: Wait for a couple of seconds until your iPhone boots up completely and displays the Lock screen.
That’s all you need to do to force reset your iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus. The method is quite similar to older iPhone models except that you have to hold the Volume Down button this time rather than the Home button.
Hard reset is just a forced reboot that is usually used in troubleshooting problems on your iPhone such as when it freezes or slows down to such an extent that you cannot interact with anything properly.
u servisu su joj rekli da je drugacije nisu se ni oni odmah sjetili da je kod sedmice tako
javi jel radi
Nisam pažljivo čitao, da ste ove gumbe i nappisali već, i koliko se sjećam da se mora držati u određenom položaju, a ne bilo kako