27.04.2009 | 16:37
chatkomaja je napisao:
Da li netko zna za aplikaciju koja bi omogucila snimanje audio signala s nekog drugog sourcea? U wav ili sl. formatu?
Naime, treba mi za snimanje live setova, a buduci da u jack-u za slusalice postoji kontakt i za mikrofon, uvjeren sam da je takvo sto tehnicki moguce (dakako, samo bi postajao mono signal).
Gledao sam malo po netu no bezuspjesno...
Nemam jailbreak-an iphone pa je potrebno da je app odobren od applea.
Na ovo sam naletio neki dan, pa mozda bu i tebi bilo zanimljivo.
Audiofile Engineering announces the world's first professional field recorder built exclusively for the Apple iPhone and iPod Touch.
Designed to revolutionize expectations for portable field recorders, FiRe supports stereo recording with external microphones such as the Blue Mikey and Alesis ProTrack. If the internal mic is used for mono recordings, the screen rotates 180 degrees allowing users to best position the device for optimum directional pick-up. Users can scroll the live waveform display with the touch of a finger or navigate it with a system of configurable double-taps.
FiRe includes professional and accurate VU meters for input and output signals, a moveable playback head, configurable time units, the ability to tag recordings with locations data, and an overdub mode for layering tracks. FiRe is also the first recorder of any kind to offer native SoundCloud integration, making it simple to upload recordings directly to the web and share them with the tap of a button.
FiRe is now available on the Apple App Store for $5.99.