16.04.2010 | 01:39
...dolje u komentarima nešto spominju da će izići jailbreak za 3.1.3. verziju, baeband 05.12.01....
Gohost: 23. April Release Date!
okay guy sorry that you hear nothing from us for long awhile but we are working a lot on the unlock between study time and other free time. all bugs are fixed and we will release our fine unlock thunderst0rm on april 23. why april 23? its my 23 birthday
sorry to all of you who have ipod touch 3g and 2g. only 1g is supported.
You can jailbreak and unlock with thunderstorm
-iPhone 3Gs
-iPhone 3G
-iPod Touch 1g
@firmware 3.1.3 with baseband 05.12.01
Is thsi true?
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