25.06.2010 | 03:17
Da se malo osvrnem na notornu temu Wi-fi problema koji se pojavio kod mnogih pri prelasku s 2.x na 3.x - najkraće rečeno novi 4.0 ne pomaže! To je još jedan dokaz da je Apple tada bio gadno zeznuo - tj. da je firmware update na takav način koristio Wi-fi čip da je ovaj vrlo brzo krepavao - što kod 2.x nije bio slučaj. Vjerojatno bi se moglo objasniti "overclockom" kojim su željeli poboljšati performanse, ali su zapravo ugrozili mnogo uređaja jer su krivo procjenili rezervu i toleranciju Wi-fi čipa.
Evo i jedan novi komentar sa službenog Apple foruma na tu temu i iOS 4:
"Well, there are many people with a 3G who have never had any problem with wifi until upgrading to 3.something. When that update was loaded to the phone, all wifi disappeared, regardless of location. I never had any problems at home, work or the local pub. There have been may solutions to this (resetting everything, restoring everything, changing the router, shoving it into the freezer) with no solution. Apple have been silent in their remedy. I called support, and their solution was to pay another 250 euro for a new phone, as mine was 15 months old, and out of warranty. Nice eh?
I am certain the problem started when I upgraded to 3.1. WiFi disappeared overnight.
If you were to look at the thread "Strange WiFi problem on iPhone 3G after 3.0 update", you will see there are 130 pages of people complaining of the same problem, and it's safe to say everyone was waiting for 4.0 to be released, to no avail.
I am very disappointed with the Microsoft style of upgrade from Apple... they are forgetting a ton of people who have a product, which in my case, is not even two years old."