Panther i IllustratorCS problemi
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Panther i IllustratorCS problemi

05.01.2004 | 20:37
Instalacija samog AdobeCS paketa prolazi OK. I sve aplikacije osim Illustratora uredno rade. No illustrator se počinje dizati i pri kraju se jednostavno sruši. Pokušao sam nanovo instalirati Illustrator i tada sam primjetio da instaler pukne pri samom kraju. U onom progres baru završi kopiranje svih fajlova i kaže da ima 0 fajlova za kopirat. Preostaje mu samo Shearch diska (iako ne vidim zašto ako kaže da nema više fajlova za kopiranje). Pokušao sam vratit Illustrator10, no taj instaler puca pri samom početku. Ima li neko iskustva s HSM-ovom službom za podrsku korisnicima?

Da stvar bude bolja, nisam od onih koji jure s instalacijom novih verzija sistema i aplikacija, te sam tek sada instalirao Panther i update na 10.3.2 pošto je problem s Illustratorom CS dokumentiran. No nadao sam se da će apdejt na 10.3.2 riješiti problem, ali ništa od toga.

05.01.2004 | 21:57
Instalirao sam ga na više strojeva s Pantherom i svuda uredno radi. Dakle, ili je nešto specifično baš za tvoj stroj ili imaš oštećenu instalaciju.
05.01.2004 | 22:31
Ocito ti imas srece. Naime, problemje dokumentiran i radi se na njegovom otklanjanju, posalo sam bug report Appleu i Adobeu. A ako pogledas Adobeov forum, tam je preko 50% strojeva koji u toj kombinaciji imaju problem.
  • ozren
  • Posjetitelj
06.01.2004 | 11:41
meni je isto pucala instalacija par puta, nakraju sam uspio tako sto nisam isao na custom instal vec sam easy instal sve pa se u tome uspio i illustrator uspjesno instalirati, probaj i dalje jer je puno brzi od ver 10. sretno
21.01.2004 | 14:20
Na mozes zdaunloudat file “Instaling Adobe CS.rtf”
Mislim da u njemu ima sve sto ti treba.
21.01.2004 | 17:13
Jel mozes dat cijeli url? Tražio sam ali ne s nekim uspjehom.
22.01.2004 | 14:18
Evo ti cjela stvar
i sretno!

Installing Adobe Creative Suite After Experiencing Errors or Unexpected Quitting

This guide is foremost for those users installing from files available using the BitTorrent protocol. This guide will help you install Adobe Creative Suite Premium if you are experiencing constant installation errors, or if the installer application quits immediately after entering you administrator credentials. As noted below, it is best to create a new but temporary user account with administrator privileges, and is necessary if the installer is immediately quitting on you.


• The problematic installers are InDesign and Illustrator

• The problem appears to lie in the /Library/Fonts dir. This is documented at the Adobe forums. Before beginning the installation rename your /Library/Fonts directory to /Library/Fonts-bak and create a new empty /Library/Fonts directory.

• If you have the following directory and file in your home/Library/Preferences:
Adobe InDesign (folder)
Adobe Registration Database (file)

Rename them to something else. This was the problem with the InDesign installer. Once I renamed these files InDesign installer ran fine.

You will first open/mount "Adobe Creative Suite Retail CD 1.toast" using DiskImageMounter or Toast. Either one works fine. Run the Installer from the now mounted volume "Adobe Creative Suite." When asked during the installation for CD 2, open/mount "Adobe Creative Suite Retail CD 2.toast" and the installer will continue automatically.

• You will need to run the installers as "Custom Installs"

• Serial Number: 1131-0205-0415-6271-0043-8987


1. Insure that you have both renamed your /Library/Fonts directory to /Library/Fonts-bak and created a new empty /Library/Fonts directory.
2. Move or delete ~/Library/Preferences/Adobe InDesign (dir) if you have it.

3. Move or delete ~/Library/Preferences/Adobe Registration Database (file) if you have it.

4. (optional but highly recommended, but necessary if the installer quits shortly after opening)

Create a new user that is allowed to administer the computer. Move the files "Adobe Creative Suite Retail CD 1.toast" , "Adobe Creative Suite Retail CD 2.toast" , "Adobe Creative Suite SN.txt" , and this file into the root directory where your Applications, Users, System, and Library folders are. This is so your new account can access these files easily without complications.


Log out of the current user, and log into the newly created user account. You may also quick switch to the new user account if you are using Panther 10.3.

Install Round 1 (Acrobat, Golive, Photoshop, Image Ready, InDesign)

1. Open the "Adobe Creative Suite Retail CD 1.toast" file. Once mounted, launch Adobe CS Suite Installer, click the buttons, enter the serial number, etc.

2. When it comes to the actual install screen, select the "Easy Install" menu in the top left corner and change it to "Custom Install"

3. Only have the following checked:
Photoshop/Image Ready

4. Continue the installation. When complete, quit the installer.

5. If you have troubles with this method run the installer again only selecting Acrobat, Photoshop/ImageReady, and Golive. Once these three are installed, proceed to Install Round 1b below.

If the installation succeeds continue to "Install Round 2."

Install Round 1b (InDesign only)

1. Launch Adobe CS Suite Installer, click the buttons, enter the serial number, etc.

2. When it comes to the actual install screen, select the "Easy Install" menu in the top left corner and change it to "Custom Install"


4. Continue the installation - at some point you will get an error that a valid System Folder is required and the installer can not continue.

5. Force quit the installer (cmd+opt+esc). InDesign has been installed.

Install Round 2 (Illustrator)

1. Launch Adobe CS Suite Installer, click the buttons, enter the serial number, etc.

2. When it comes to the actual install screen, select the "Easy Install" menu in the top left corner and change it to "Custom Install"


4. Continue the installation - at some point the installer will quit.

5. Locate the Adobe Illustrator CS directory in your Applications directory and delete these files in /Adobe Illustrator CS/Templates/Business Sets

BusSet 3 Brochure Outside.ait
BusSet 3 Brochure Inside.ait

6. Select these file in /Adobe Illustrator CS/Templates/Business Sets and duplicate
BusSet 2 Web Site.ait
BusSet 2 Video Label.ait
BusSet 2 Post Card.ait
BusSet 2 Letterhead.ait
BusSet 2 Fax.ait
BusSet 2 Envelope.ait
BusSet 2 Disk Label.ait
BusSet 2 Compliment Slip.ait
BusSet 2 CD Label.ait
BusSet 2 CD Booksleeve.ait
BusSet 2 Business Card.ait
BusSet 2 Brochure Outside.ait
BusSet 2 Brochure Inside.ait

Replace "2" in duplicated files with "3" and remove " copy"
You should now have files named like this:
BusSet 3 Letterhead.ait
BusSet 3 Compliment Slip.ait
BusSet 3 CD Label.ait
BusSet 3 Web Site.ait
BusSet 3 Post Card.ait
BusSet 3 Brochure Outside.ait
BusSet 3 Business Card.ait
BusSet 3 Video Label.ait
BusSet 3 Fax.ait
BusSet 3 Envelope.ait
BusSet 3 Disk Label.ait
BusSet 3 CD Booksleeve.ait

7. Launch the installer again - selecting Custom Install > Illustrator.

8. Continue the installation - at some point the installer will probably fail and quit again but Illustrator has been installed.

Finish Installation

• Move the fonts in your /Library/Fonts-bak into /Library/Fonts
Delete the now empty "Fonts-bak" folder.
Moderatori: Bertone
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Zadnja poruka: pred 9 sati, 40 minuta
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