22.10.2019 | 16:12
Dap, samo ga je sad gotovo pa nemoguce upalit.
Malo prije sam se igrao s diag led gumbom, pomogao mi je
Ne svijetli (a trebali bi) led6 (gpu present) i led7 (power on). Led1 (trickle power) i led8 (efi done) svijetle normalno.
Iz service manuala ->
Za 6 navodi sljedece:
• Check that the graphics card is seated correctly in its PCI slot.
• Check that the card’s auxiliary booster power cable is connected properly (if the card
requires one).
• Verify power supply cables are properly seated.
• Try the graphics card in a different PCI slot.
• Try a different graphics card.
• If an error message about graphic card booster power connection is displayed, check that
the appropriate booster power cable is firmly connected between the logic board and the
graphics card.
• Replace the logic board.
Sve tocke sam isprobao osim zadnje
Za 7:
Normally on when DIAG_LED button is pressed.
If this LED is on, it indicates the power supply is functioning.
• Check that the power cables to the logic board are properly attached.
• Check the cable connections at the power supply.
• Check for any signs of an obvious electrical short, e.g. metal screws or PCI card slot cover
loose inside computer touching the logic board
Ovdje sam sve tocke isprobao.
SMC restartao par puta, nista nije pomoglo. Znaci vjerojatno je maticna crknula, a moguce i napajanje. RIP MP2.1
Ici ce u prodaju ovi ispravni dijelovi uskoro u oglasnik, kuciste mozda odnesem da ga otope, moram vidjet cijenu aluminija