04.05.2010 | 20:31
Neki dan sam naletio na dobar clanak koji prica o (iznenadjujucim) limitacijama VGA adaptera, ali ga vise ne mogu naci. Medjutim, cini se da je vise manje sve dobro objasnjeno na Q&A u US Apple Store-u pod itemom iPad VGA adapter.
Evo linka
ali svodi se na ovo:
First, it is important to understand that with this adapter you are connecting a 2nd display to your iPad. From this point it is up to the app developer to decide if and what will be displayed on this 2nd display when you launch the app.
At this time, the following apps will use the 2nd display:
- keynote - when you shown a presentation
- video - when you play a video
- Photos - when you run a photo slideshow
- Youtube - when you play a youtube video
In all these cases the 2nd display will show the object when you start playing it.
Other apps can follow and offer their support for a 2nd display using this connector since this is part of the iPhoneOS SDK.
As you can understand there is NO mirroring of the iPad primary display.
Jos bih dodao da u kasnijim Q&A ima i pitanje o filmovima koji su kupljeni u AppleStore-u, ni oni se ne mogu gledati jer su zasticeni i korisnik dobije, pazi ovo: "this monitor is not authorized to display protected content"
dakle prvo smo autorizirali usera (kod log ina) pa smo autorizirali maca (kod media sharinga) i sada moramo autorizirati i monitor...znam da ce Riba imati neki sarkazam na ovo