07.11.2023 | 14:47
Pozdrav da li vam se kao meni cesto desava situacija u kojoj morate upisati password za otkljucavanje zaslona ili pregled obavijesti iako imate ukljucen face id?
Primjetio sam da svaki puta kada dode neka obavijest zaslon se ukljuci a face id pokuša prepoznati lice iako nisam kraj ajfona.
To nebi bio problem da nakon treceg neuspjelog pokusaja prepoznavanja lica ajfon se zakljuca i dobijem obavijest vaš password je potreban za otkljucavanje face id.
Nasao sam na drugom forumu post o tome pa ako mozete testirati na svojim ajfonima koji imaju face id.
1.This is pretty easy to reproduce, all you need is an iPhone using Face ID on the latest software.
1. Set up Face ID
2. Put phone down with screen facing up. (No user input required from now on)
3. Receive a notification
4. Phone screen turns on, prompting Face ID to scan a face
5. Face ID can't find a face, so the phone vibrates due to face not matching
6. Repeat from step 3 a couple more times until Face ID locks itself prompting you to enter your passcode.
It's genuinely so stupid that I can't believe this slipped through testing. For the record I'm on iPhone 14 Pro but I recall the same issue used to happen all the way back on my iPhone X.