20.07.2011 | 13:54
Da krenemo od pocetka,predpostavljam da ti netreba unlock tj onda mozes ici na 4.3.3. Ubaci iPhone u DFU mode(ne u recoverry mode) i probaj sa custom FW (koji pravis alatom zavisno od OS na kojem radis) ali u svakom slucaju koji god alat ides nemoj obiljeziti hactivated opciju jer tebi netreba.I svakako pokreni TU jer vec imas spasen SHSH i restore mora proci. E sad ako bas hoces clear insatall onda sve ovo uradi samo idi na preko iTunes-a ali znaj da nece onda ici 4.3.3 vec 4.3.4 a JB je tethered tako da neznam koliko se isplati.Ako negdje zapne slobodono pitaj pa da sredimo ta iPhone.
Sto se tice hosts filea tebi treba ovaj LIne : gs.apple.com
ovo samo pokusavam da potvrdim stvari koje si radio i provjerim jesi li ovako radio.
Sto se tice erorr-a oba su vezana za host file,a fix ide odprilike ovako (oprosti sto nisam preveo ):
Mac OS X:
Step 1. On your Mac, go to your “Applications” folder.
Step 2. Now navigate to the “Utilities” folder.
Step 3. Launch "Terminal".
Step 4. Type "sudo nano /etc/hosts" (without quotes) and hit return.
Step 5. Enter your password
Step 6. Use the down arrow key to find the “gs.apple.com” entries. Once the cursor is in front, make sure you comment out the line(s) by entering “#” in front of the text.
Step 7. Save the file by pressing CONTROL+O.
Step 8. Exit the nano editor by pressing CONTROL+X.
Step 9. Restore your iDevice.
Step 1. Start –> Programs –> Accessories
Step 2. Run Notepad or WordPad
Step 3. Click “Open..” from File menu.
Step 4. Browse to Windows/System32/drivers/etc
Step 5. In "files of type:" select all documents
Step 6. Open "hosts"
Step 7. Delete all line that has "gs.apple.com" or something like that
Step 8. Hit Save
Step 9. Restore your device