08.04.2014 | 09:53
Ovako ako želiš sve u iCloud za to ti ne treba nikakav 3rd party alat. Na Macu unutar Contacts aplikacije imaš opciju za napraviti export u 'Archive' sve svoje kontakte. To ti je dovoljno za backup.
E sada nakon što sam pola sata pisao kako složiti sve to preko iclouda vidim da će tim modelom biti problema ako želiš da ti je gmail primarni izvor kontakata i ako radiš modifikacije preko telefona. Ako je to točno onda su slijedeći koraci bolji. Naravno prethodno napravi lokalnu kopiju svih kontakta koju imaš i napravi export u 'Archive' (Contacts aplikacija ti to nudi). Obriši apslutno sve kontakte na macu da ne bi imao još više duplikata. Tek nakon što si to složio kreni na ove korake dolje:
Step 1.) Synchronize your Gmail contacts to your Mac by enabling the “Synchronize with Google” option within your Mac Address Book using the ‘On My Mac’ database. This will create a local copy on your Mac of all of your Gmail contacts.
Step 2.) Set up iCloud on your Mac. Synchronizing Contacts should then synchronize your local ‘On My Mac’ database into the iCloud Contacts database.
Step 3.) Set up your Gmail contacts via Exchange on your iPhone.
www.google.com/support/mobile/bin/answer.py?answer=138740 . This is the only way I know of to actually synchronize your Gmail Contacts to your iPhone directly from Gmail’s servers over the Internet via Push.
Step 4.) Set up iCloud on your iPhone and have it synchronize your contacts as well.
Now, you will have two logical “Groups” of contacts on your iPhone, but they will all be identically the same, so iOS will automatically link them within the contacts database. They will appear as single contacts when you look at them from within the “All Contacts” group header.
The *Crucial Step* In order for your iCloud and Gmail contacts to remain synchronized with one another is to ensure that they are only ever edited on your iOS Device which is synchronized with iCloud and Gmail contacts. When you edit a contact on the Device, you will be warned that you are “editing 2 linked contacts”. This is how you know that your changes are being pushed to both accounts. If you edit the contact via iCloud or via Gmail directly, such as through their Web Contacts, it will only change that particular account’s “card”, not both. You will see changes on either iCloud or Gmail on your Device, but these changes will not have been, nor will they be synchronized across accounts.
Only changes made directly to the contact on the iPhone or iPad will synchronize across accounts. You must also ensure that when you are editing the contact that you are editing the ‘linked contacts”. You will know you are looking at the linked contact when the contact says “Unified Info” at the top center of the screen. This is arrived at also by ensuring you are within the “All Contacts” group.