13.05.2012 | 20:57
Uh.. mjesec dana se zezam s tim i vidim da puno ljudi ima problema.. ugl. evo riješenja:
" I was having this problem this morning. For me, the solution was to open the SMTP settings for my GMAIL account in Apple Mail, delete the Gmail SMTP server, then click the add button and make a new one. Then, save changes, quit Apple Mail, run it again, and open something from the Outbox and click send again. It's begun working again. I'm not sure what the change was... I'm assuming it was some corruption of the settings in Apple Mail combined with some change in the stringency of Gmail that prevented them from working together?"
Anyway, the new settings I used were:
server: smtp.gmail.com
Use Default Ports
Check Use SSL
Authentication: Password
Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spam robota, nije vidljiva ako ste isključili JavaScript
Password: Your gmail password.
Tj, treba staviti da je Autentikacija - Password i označiti da upotrebljava Default portove.