01.05.2005 | 05:37
Popis neugodnih sitnica koje dolaze s Tigrom. Posebno me nerviraju sitnice broj 1 i 2, koje potvrdjuju strah da
Mac platforma opet nije naklonjena web developerima. Dakle, pametno i pazljivo prije instalacije:
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Ten nasty Tiger traps - spot them before it's too late
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1. If you have tweaked the Apache web server or Postfix mail server on your machine, their settings will be overwritten by Tiger
2. Spotlight indexes lots of file types, but web developers will be disappointed to find it doesn't look at .php or .html files.
[Zasto? Zasto? Zasto sine Jobse? Pa to je bar toliko jednostavno! To su obicne teskstualne datoteke!]
3. Spotlight doesn't index your Safari cache. (Apple says this is \"too tough\" at the moment). Someone might write a plugin which will, though.
4. If you're using Airport, you may think that the reception has suddenly improved because it shows more bars in the menu icon. Not so. Apple says \"we revised the Airport indicator so it better indicates the performance you should get with your current connection. In this case more bars means faster throughput.\" My tests suggest the signal strength remains the same, but there's less noise.
5. You can't create a Smart Folder inside a Burn Folder for an easy backup (eg \"files modified since 29 April 2005\"). The disc burnt would only contain the instructions for the Smart Folder.
6. Four years after \"classic\" Mac, the number and style of window styles is multiplying. There's now \"brushed metal\", \"plain\" and \"other\". Mail 2.0 has different icons from any other app; the Finder is still brushed metal. And Dashboard's widgets have no set style at all - it's chaos.
7. The keyboard shortcut to move between tabs in Safari has been changed, to Cmd-Shift-}. (Though on my upgraded system the old one (Cmd-Shift-right arrow) still works.)
8. Mail 2.0 uses a different format and has to import your old mail. Crashes can happen. (Your old mail survives.)
9. To use Safari's RSS detector to subscribe to a site's feed, you have to bookmark the site - rather than dragging the RSS icon (which seems more obvious) to your bookmarks.
10. Spotlight isn't exactly an application, more a system function - which means its windows are hard to navigate to if you're a keyboard fan.