29.10.2018 | 08:28
"Pošto sam supruzi uzeo novi iphone, došli smo do mojih i supruga je krenula ukucavat lozinku od wifi i u trenutku prvih par znakova meni izađe nekakva notifikacija dali želim svojoj supruzi podijelit wifi lozinku za mrežu. Stisnuo da i uredno je nestao njoj okvir za unos lozinke i spojio se na wifi mrežu."
John, to je feature još iz iOS11. Nije ništa neobično.
evo malo detaljnije za buduće slučajeve.
In order for this to work you, as the network owner, must ensure that your iOS 11 device is connected to your local Wi-Fi AND that the person you’re sharing passwords with is saved as a contact in your address book.
All devices involved must be on iOS 11 and later. And lastly, if you have MAC address filtering enabled on your network (a decision you might want to reconsider given how easily MAC addresses are spoofed), this feature won’t work.
1) Be sure that your device is unlocked and connected to your local Wi-Fi network.
2) Ask your friend to select your network’s name listed under Settings → Wi-Fi on their iPhone, iPad or iPod touch or in the Wi-Fi popup menu in their Mac’s menu bar.
3) They will see a standard prompt to enter the password for your secure Wi-Fi network. On your own device, a Wi-Fi sharing card will pop up, not unlike the AirPod pairing prompt, asking if you’d like to send the password to their device. The prompt only appears if the person is trying to connect to your primary Wi-Fi network.
4) Tap Send Password if you’d like to share access to your Wi-Fi network with the friend or the little “x” in the card’s top-right corner to dismiss the prompt without approving the request.
Your encrypted Wi-Fi password will be sent securely over the air to the connecting device and automatically populated without either of you having to type a single character.
5) Tap Done to dismiss the card.
Your friend can now access your Wi-Fi network as they normally would.
As long as they don’t manually forget the network, they too are now able to approve Wi-Fi requests from their device (provided it’s in Wi-Fi range).
TIP: You can even automatically log your friend in to your Wi-Fi from a computer. All they need to do is bring their device near your Mac and choose your Wi-Fi network. A notification will appear on your Mac asking if you’re sure you’d like to share your Wi-Fi information.