20.10.2020 | 23:35
sve je to o.k. evo nasao sam na par foruma, a i par drugara mi poslalo ovo:
"Best solution - make a network from any mobile phone on a mobile network and connect your ATV to this. Then go to location and chose the right one manually before you set the location to auto. Then go all the way to the main menu and the icons should have returned.
After this you can set the ATV back to your normal network and things should be back to normal.
Hope this will help a few - otherwise - call apple ????
discussions.apple.com/thread/3847334 "
ovo je psoslo na aTV-3.gen, uz lokacija/region - CH, za svaki slucaj jer je aTV dosao odatle, a svajcarci nekad imaju neke posebne zahteve.
probacu sad i sa aTV-4.gen pa javljam, mozda nekome moze da bude od koristi.