25.09.2014 | 10:45
Upravo brišem TimeCapsule i malo surfam po netu zanimajući se za prosječni životni vijek stvarčice, da bi se razočarao kada sam negdje pročitao da iznosi oko 18 mjeseci.
Ali, onda ugodno iznenađenje koje čini mi se malo tko zna: ako imaš Macbook, Macbook Pro, iMac, ili Mac Pro pod garancijom - tada su ti i Apple ruteri također pod istom!
Prepis s AppleCare stranice veli:
The AppleCare Protection Plan provides global repair coverage, both parts and labor, from Apple-authorized technicians around the world. Apple hardware coverage includes:
Your Mac computer
Included accessories such as the power adapter
Apple memory (RAM)
AirPort Express Base Station, AirPort Extreme Base Station, or Time Capsule2
MacBook Air SuperDrive (for MacBook Air and Mac mini with Snow Leopard Server only)
Apple display purchased with your Mac
2 – The AirPort device or Time Capsule must be purchased up to two years before your Mac purchase or during the term of your AppleCare Protection Plan coverage.
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