14.02.2016 | 10:54
Imam taj stick od T-Mobilea sa prometom od 25 Gb mjesečno u paketu, i sada nakon updatea na El Capitan, isti više ne radi jer nakon isnatalacije - koja protekne uredno - u svojem prozoru javlja da "uređaj nije pronađen" (iako je instalacija išla sa sticka, no za samu mrežnu vezu tvrdi da ne pronalazi taj stick).
Ima netko sličan problem i kako ga riješiti nekim programom, driverom i sličnim?
Jedno od rješenja koje sam našao ide ovako, no ja nemam recovery DVD za ovaj MacOS i nisam baš vičan upisivanju kodova kroz terminal.
"Security configuration is stored in NVRAM rather than in the file system itself. As a result, this configuration applies to all installations of OS X across the entire machine and persists across OS X installations that support System Integrity Protection.
Note: To safeguard against disabling System Integrity Protection by modifying security configuration from another OS, the startup disk can no longer be set programmatically, such as by invoking the bless(8) command.
System Integrity Protection can be configured using the csrutil(1) command.
You can check whether System Integrity Protection is currently enabled on your system by running the following command in the Terminal:
$ csrutil status
System Integrity Protection status: enabled.
To enable or disable System Integrity Protection, you must boot to Recovery OS and run the csrutil(1) command from the Terminal.
Boot to Recovery OS by restarting your machine and holding down the Command and R keys at startup.
Launch Terminal from the Utilities menu.
Enter the following command:
$ csrutil enable
After enabling or disabling System Integrity Protection on a machine, a reboot is required."