16.01.2017 | 10:47
Čitajući ovaj
članak (pustimo na stranu način testiranja) u oko mi je upao jedan podatak, a tiče se trajanja baterije između novog MacBook Proa 13" Touch Bar vs non-Touch Bar.
After discovering the Safari bug, Apple created a fix, and Consumer Reports reran its battery life test. On its website, Consumer Reports said that the new MacBook Pro, “all performed well.” The publication tested a 13-inch Touch Bar model, a 13-inch non-Touch Bar model, and a 15-inch model. The retests resulted in battery life of 15.75 hours, 18.75 hours, and 17.25 hours, respectively.
Prema tome ispadne da touch-bar model pojede 3 sata baterije pa me sad zanima da li je netko usporedio navedena dva MBP u IRL ili našao usporedne testove koji pokazuju koliko u stvarnosti touch-bar jede struje jer ako u IRL pojede pola sata ili sat onda je to teži fail