04.12.2021 | 00:07
OK, dosta zezancije, ipak su dokumenti počeli curiti. Kada imaš 80 milijardi dolara za igru onda se može začepiti mnoge rupe, ali izgleda ne baš sve.
Ako se ne varam ovo je po prvi put da iscurio vjerdostojan FDA dokument koji uopće nije bezazlen!
Skinuo sam to iz znatiželje i meni se čini da je to malo too much da bude "fake". Naravno da bi mi bilo najdraže da se ispostavi da je to lažno i da je neki potpuno opsjednuti antivakser podmetnuo neke druge dokumente i istraživanja, da si je dao toliko truda modificirati tekst i učiniti ga takvim da izgleda kao da je iz ove covid priče. I da je onda još išao napraviti web stranicu i sve ostalo da bi izgledalo istinito. Ne znam, vjerojatno se može i na državnoj razini doći do dokumenata o samom suđenju gdje je tražena transparentnost tih FDA dokumenata. Ovo je ono što udruga ima na svom webu, isto se ne čini kao fejk:
Znači ovo je svježe objavljeno temeljem sudske odluke iako se FDA želio izvući tako da je tvrdio da je za javnu objavu tih dokumenata agencije potrebno 50 godina, slično kao što NASA mora sve objaviti nakon 50 godina. Međutim, kažu da je sud zaključio da se radi o zdravlju nacije i da moraju sve objaviti.
Ovo je udruga liječnika koja želi potpunu transparentnost svih dokumenata u vezi pandemije:
Ovdje imate dio s Pfizer dokumentima koji dani na uvid po nalogu suda:
Posebno je problematičan ovaj:
Zamoljeni su liječnici i pravnici da to prouče i objasne laičkim jezikom, pa su napisali ovo:
"The document reveals that within just 90 days after the EUA release of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine, the company was already aware of voluntary adverse reaction reports that revealed 1,223 deaths and over 42,000 adverse reports describing a total of 158,893 adverse reactions. The reports originated from numerous countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, France, Portugal, Spain and other nations."
"Pfizer has withheld the total number of doses released across the world, citing corporate trade secrets. This is indicated by “(b) (4)” in the document, where specific numbers and facts are redacted.
"Even these numbers — already quite shocking, given the FDA’s insistence that mRNA vaccines are “safe and effective” — barely scratch the surface of the damage and deaths caused by these vaccines. “Reports are submitted voluntarily, and the magnitude of underreporting is unknown,” says Pfizer on page 5."
"Shockingly, the document reveals that more than three times as many women were damaged by the Pfizer vaccine, compared to men. There were 29,914 adverse events recorded in women, with just 9,182 recorded in men. It is not known whether the same number of men and women took the vaccine, but this number exposes the very real possibility of a gender-specific vaccine damage risk that the FDA went to great lengths to cover up."
"Anecdotally, most of the neurological damage we’ve seen in people who have been damaged by the vaccine — convulsions, numbness, pain, etc. — has been depicted in women, not men. It looks like the FDA knows the mRNA vaccine exhibits a disproportionate, gender-specific damage profile that also affects women in terms of spontaneous abortions (also covered in the report)."
"Also to the shock of many observers who are just now digging into this document, Pfizer told the FDA under “Safety concerns” (section 3.1.2) that its mRNA injection could cause, “Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED), including Vaccine-associated Enhanced Respiratory Disease (VAERD).”
This means the FDA knew the vaccine could sicken and kill patients who were later infected with covid.
Under the label of “missing information,” Pfizer also told the FDA that it has no information about “Use in Pregnancy and lactation” nor covering “Use in Paediatric Individuals < 12 Years of Age.”
“Vaccine Effectiveness” was also listead as “Missing information” by Pfizer."
"This confidential document reveals that the FDA committed criminal fraud and misrepresentation in approving mRNA vaccines as “safe and effective.” This means top FDA decision makers must now face arrest and criminal prosecution."
Evo, ako su antivakseri došli do te razine da sve ovo fejkaju, onda im kapa dolje!
A ako nije fejk, e onda smo svi skupa u nevolji.