13.02.2011 | 12:03
Dakle, kartica kad normalno radi ima jednu ledicu koja konstantno gori. Sada ta ledica blinka (inače je to znak da je kartica na mute, ali nije u ovom slučaju). Kad kartica prestane raditi nestane sa popisa sound outputs u system preferences i iz system profilera te se prebaci u blinkajuće LED stanje gore opisano.
Na firewire busu ne vidim uređaj, piše samo maximum speed up to 800MB/sec, inače dok radi ju normalno vidim.
Ono što je zanimljivo i što se prije nije događalo je da kartica reagira kada macbook odlazi u sleep mode. Prije nije reagirala dok nije radila i nastavila bi blinkati ledica. Sada kad macbook odlazi u sleep, odlazi i ona.
Kopija console.app:
2/13/11 11:00:30 AM com.apple.launchd[1] *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
2/13/11 11:00:58 AM com.apple.qmaster.qmasterd[52] 02/13/2011
11:00:58.455: Qmaster daemon needs to copy the qmaster config file
/Library/Application Support/Apple Qmaster/qmasterconfig
2/13/11 11:00:58 AM com.apple.qmaster.qmasterd[52] 02/13/2011
11:00:58.458: Exception caught while copying/merging the qmaster
config file /Library/Application Support/Apple Qmaster/qmasterconfig:
/Library/Application Support/Apple Qmaster/qmasterconfig.default
2/13/11 11:00:58 AM com.apple.qmaster.qmasterd[52] 02/13/2011
11:00:58.458: Qmaster daemon needs to copy the qmaster services file
/Library/Application Support/Apple Qmaster/qmasterservices.plist
2/13/11 11:00:58 AM com.apple.qmaster.qmasterd[52] 02/13/2011
11:00:58.458: Exception caught while copying/merging the qmaster
services file /Library/Application Support/Apple
Qmaster/qmasterservices.plist: /Library/Application Support/Apple
2/13/11 11:00:58 AM com.apple.qmaster.qmasterd[52] 02/13/2011
11:00:58.458: Qmaster daemon needs to copy and merge the transcoderx
file /Library/Application Support/Apple
2/13/11 11:00:58 AM com.apple.qmaster.qmasterd[52] 02/13/2011
11:00:58.479: Exception caught while copying/merging the transcoderx
file /Library/Frameworks/Compressor.framework/Resources/transcoderx.plist.default:
/Library/Application Support/Apple Qmaster/transcoderx.plist.default
2/13/11 11:00:58 AM com.apple.qmaster.qmasterd[52] 02/13/2011
11:00:58.482: qmasterd started
2/13/11 11:00:58 AM com.apple.qmaster.qmasterd[52] 02/13/2011
11:00:58.497: received QmasterPrefsChangedNotification
2/13/11 11:01:08
AM com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[96] (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling
back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find:
2/13/11 11:01:09 AM com.apple.UserEventAgent-LoginWindow[89] ALF
error: cannot find useragent 1102
2/13/11 11:01:09
AM com.apple.UserEventAgent-LoginWindow[89] plugin.UserEventAgentFactory:
called with typeID=FC86416D-6164-2070-726F-70735C216EC0
2/13/11 11:01:11
AM com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[96] (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[120])
Exited with exit code: 1
2/13/11 11:01:13 AM [0x0-0xc00c].com.Logitech.Control
Center.Daemon[137] objc[137]: Class com_Logitech_ScrollEnhancerLoader
is implemented in both /Library/InputManagers/LCC Scroll Enhancer
Loader/LCC Scroll Enhancer Loader.bundle/Contents/MacOS/LCC Scroll
Enhancer Loader and /Library/ScriptingAdditions/LCC Scroll Enhancer
Loader.osax/Contents/MacOS/LCC Scroll Enhancer Loader. One of the two
will be used. Which one is undefined.