08.03.2007 | 05:21
Za one koji ne znaju Robert Fripp je gitarist legendarne britanske grupe King Crimson. A kao solo glazbenik stvara glazbu koju naziva Soundscapes. To su atmosferične skladbe nastale improvizacijom na gitari uz pomoć digitalne tehnologije. Prije petnaestak godina osnovao je svoju diskografsku kuću Discipline Global Mobile i izdaje glazbu pretežito preko web stranice. Njegova kompanija koristi PC i Mac.
Inače je on skladao glazbu za Vistu. Na njegovoj web stranici (
www.dgmlive.com) naišao sam na zanimljiv tekst o njegovom poslu sa MSom. Kako su mu mnogi fanovi predbacili njegovu povezanost s kompanijom iz Redmonda odlucio je napisati jedan tipični frippovski ironičan tekst u obliku pitanja i odgovora. Ovdje je dio toga (obratite pažnju na zadnji odgovor):
\"A basic principle of my professional life is this: work with people, not companies. So, in Redmond I was working primarily with my pal Steve, who works for MS, and who was the producer on the job.
Q. Would RF have worked for a MS without Steve?
A. Probably, subject to various details.
Q. Would RF have worked for MS gratis?
A. No. This was a clean, straightforward, professional transaction & involved That Awful Man’s venal impulses being addressed sufficiently.
Q. Would RF work on a Steve Ball project at Collaborators’ Rate?
A. Yes.
Q. Would RF work for a tobacco company?
A. No.
Q. Would RF work for a liquor company?
A. If he drunk the liquor in his personal life, yes. So bring on the champagne & offer endorsement deals.
Q. Would he work for Apple?
A. Yes, subject to various details, including being asked to do so. MS were ahead of Mac on this, so full credit to them (ie to one of their employees).
Q. What was RF’s musical interest?
A. To present Soundscapes to a wider world than would otherwise hear the music.
Q. What did RF do with Microsoft’s money?
A. Pay bills & buy a new-generation i-Pod.