25.12.2023 | 13:43
> Rusiji ovo nije bio izlet i sigurno nije željela ovaj rat...
> A to da će onda Rusija ići "u dalje osvajanje Europe" je besmislica koju opet plasira ista ta propaganda...
Znači nisu htjeli rat u Ukrajini i jednog dana neće htjeti druge ratove. Mislim da je Hitler svaki svoj govor počinjao kako je Njemačkoj rat nametnut, Karadžić je isto ponavljao tu omiljenu rečenicu.
Očito riješenje je da se izbjegne dovođenje Rusije u situaciju da im se ponovo ni krivima i dužnima nametne rat za Baltičke države a najbolji način za to je da ih se zaustavi u Ukrajini.
Malo citata kako je Hitler bio primoran napasti sve oko sebe iako je naravno uvijek bio za mir:
> I sought no war. On the contrary I did everything to avoid it. But I would have been forgetful of my duty and responsibility if, in spite of realizing the inevitability of a fight by force of arms, I had failed to draw the only possible conclusions. In view of the mortal danger from Soviet Russia, not only to the German Reich, but to all Europe, I decided, if possible a few days before the outbreak of this more struggle, to give the signal to attack myself.
> Today, we have overwhelming and authentic proof that Russia intended to attack; we are also quite clear about the date on which the attack was to take place. In view of the great danger, the proportions of which we realise perhaps only today to the fullest extent, I can only thank God that He enlightened me at the proper time and that He gave me the strength to do what had to be done!
> The cause of this situation lies in the impossible Frontiers laid down by the Versailles dictate and the inhuman treatment of the German minorities in Poland.
> The Polish Government at that period refused even as much as to consider this proposal. ... The reports which the then Polish Ambassador in Washington Count Potocki, sent to his Government are documents from which it may be seen with a terrifying clearness to what an extent one man alone and the forces driving him are responsible for the second World War.
> Thus began the increasing efforts of the American President to create conflicts, to do everything to prevent conflicts from being peacefully solved. For years this man harboured one desire-that a conflict should break out somewhere in the world. The most convenient place would be in Europe, where American economy could be committed to the cause of one of the belligerents in such a way that a political interconnection of interests would arise calculated slowly to bring America nearer such a conflict. This would thereby divert public interest from bankrupt economic policy at home towards foreign problems.
> But now he is seized with fear that if peace is brought about in Europe, his squandering of billions of money or armaments will be looked upon (as plain fraud), since nobody will attack America-and he then himself must provoke this attack upon his country.
> Germany, Italy and Japan will wage the common war forced upon them by the U.S.A. and England with all the means of power at their disposal, to a victorious conclusion.
Može se reći da nitko nikad u povijesti nije želio rat već su se oni desili isključivo nesretnim slijedom okolnosti u kojima su se diktatori iz raznih zemalja zatekli mimo svoje volje. Bad luck?