25.02.2008 | 19:48
Niti jedno ni drugo.Litij ionske baterije ne valja prazniti skroz do kraja pa puniti! Puni se po potrebi...
Ostavljanje pak na punjaču stalno uključeno zagrijava dodatno bateriju cime joj vremenom drasticno opada kapacitet.u tom slucaju preporuca se izvaditi bateriju.
Prvo punjenje \"prime charge\" za li ion ne donosi znacajan benefit
excerpt: Unlike nickel and lead-based batteries, a new lithium-ion pack does not need cycling through charging and discharging. Priming will make little difference because the maximum capacity of lithium-ion is available right from the beginning. Neither does a full discharge improve the capacity of a faded pack. However, a full discharge/charge will reset the digital circuit of a 'smart' battery to improve the state-of-charge estimation