10.02.2009 | 21:58
Obično SVE one koje ja pokušam koristiti! A recimo u zadnjoj epizodi i zlatna kartica svojedobnog gospodina koji me zamolio da mu nešto kupim on-line. Da, da, na kraju je prošla, ali trajalo je desetak dana i uz dosta dopiske. Skoro je bilo povlačenja veza u ambasadi i slično... ili... ne tako davno kada sam pokušao kupiti dio za auto u UK. Općenito, kartice koje izdaju Hrvatske banke su smeće koje "ne prolazi" - ili barem ne bez nevolja, dopiske, faksiranja putovnica i sličnih sranja...
Ukratko, sva moja iskustva s kupovinom putem kartice su katastrofalna.
Pazi ovo zadnje:
"We are trying to get your order released. All credit cards have to be
verified for billing and shipping addresses. Unfortunately, your credit
card issuing bank does not participate in the international verification
The only way we are going to be able to verify your order is to ask you to
fill out the form linked to below and either email it back or fax it to the
number listed below. If you are going to email the form please password
protect it using your order number, LXXXXXXX as the password. You can find
instructions to do so here... (link)
If you were a past customer your previous Customer/Account number would also
help take care of this issue. As soon as I hear back from you I will do what
is necessary to get your order released."