28.01.2005 | 06:05
U rujnu je Joswiak u privatnom razgovoru natuknuo nesto o suradnji Applea s jednom divizijom GM-a (sadasnji Delphi). U listopadu, nakon zavrsenog posla s (jelte, Appleom -- iako to ne zele reci), Delphi je izbacio sljedece pripcenje za novinstvo i one koje zele slusati ...
Delphi Delivers New Cooling Technology to Computer Industry
Delphi provides advanced liquid cooling to OEM computer industry, further driving Delphi's growth into new markets
Release Date: October 12, 2004
TROY, Mich., -- Delphi Corp. (NYSE: DPH) has successfully applied its expertise in air conditioning and thermal technology to the personal computer industry. Delphi announced today it has recently launched a patented liquid cooling technology in the computer marketplace. The cooling system addresses the issue of high heat loads generated by advanced microprocessors in a computer's central processing unit (CPU). In helping protect the CPU from excessive heat, Delphi's technology assists the CPU to more reliably perform its functions at much higher speed.
Confidentiality agreements prevent Delphi from disclosing customer or program details.
"This new business is an exciting chapter in our transformation story," said J.T. Battenberg III, Delphi chairman, chief executive officer and president. "Many current and future computing platforms feature state of the art microprocessors that are producing heat levels higher than ever seen before. Addressing the cooling challenge at the source of the heat enables microprocessors to perform at unprecedented speeds -- a major development for the industry."
Delphi's liquid cooling technology was first introduced last year as an external aftermarket product to "overclockers," or gaming enthusiasts, who self-modified their computer's microprocessors so much that they required better cooling. The new closed loop, active liquid cooling system uses proprietary Delphi technology in a compact-sized, low noise system that can handle microprocessor heat flux loads of over 200 watts per square centimeter.
"Prior to the introduction of our advanced liquid cooling system, some industry observers noted that liquid cooling could only handle heat fluxes up to 100 watts per square centimeter," said Ray Johnson, thermal solutions business line executive, Delphi Thermal & Interior. "By capably addressing heat fluxes of over 200 watts per square centimeter, the Delphi liquid cooling system has broken through that observed limit by over 100 percent. Some of our available designs can handle even higher heat loads than that. This capability might therefore open the door to thermally-enabled CPU performance that had previously been deferred by the industry."
"This business represents our first original equipment application of this exciting technology," said Ron Pirtle, president, Delphi Thermal & Interior and vice president, Delphi Corp. "We are proud to be engineering innovative applications for computer users and to be working with new customers in the electronics industry. With future generations of these systems in our design and program application pipeline, we're putting ourselves in a position to be an attractive thermal management technology provider to this industry over the long term."
Delphi announced the creation of its new markets business unit in 2001, demonstrating its commitment to growing its high-tech product sales, restructuring its portfolio and diversifying its customer base to industries beyond the traditional automotive market including agriculture & construction, communications, military & aerospace, and recreation.
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Hmm .. zanima me za koji je to Appleov proizvod Delphi dobrano zagrizao i rijesio probleme s prekomjernim zagrijavanjem ...