20.11.2003 | 13:00
Evo našao sam na Internetu neko rješenje. Nisam ga isprobao još, jer sam na poslu, ali mnogi su prijavili da radi. Izgleda da je veliki broj ljudi imao upravo isti problem kao i ja.
Sljedi copy paste originalnog posta, za sve vlasnike Canona:
_____________________________________________________________ _______
Just bought a i350 yesterday, run into the same problems as you were, read your postings and . . . found a workaround:
Just rename:
Works perfect for me.
Hope this helps and good luck.
Pitty though, the icon would need some work. It appears to be some other (not so well looking) Canon Printer. Only cosmetic, but for the eyes of a spoiled Aqua User . . .
Gore navedeni file se dobije sa instalacijom Canaonovih drivera.